We believe Jesus is the ultimate hermeneutic (i.e., lens). It is only through him and his gospel that we see the true and full character of God and the purpose of life.
God dwells in eternity (i.e., the eternal present). God is one God, but he dwells in a triune community of love and joy as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
It is this God — the only God — who made the universe and all that is within it.
God also created men and women in his image. But that image has been marred by sin. Rather than follow God’s design for life, people chose to be their own masters. Refusing God’s rightful place in our hearts and lives, we—through sin—are alienated from God. And without a remedy, this alienation would go on perpetually.
Rather than let humanity succumb to this fate, God—who loves us more than we can imagine—chose to intervene.
In the incarnation, God took on human flesh: he came down as one of us
in the person of Jesus Christ.
Jesus lived a perfect life. He taught the truth about God. Then he died on the cross taking the sins of humanity upon himself and being punished in our place. Three days later, he resurrected, conquering the most implacable of human enemies: death.
In effect, Jesus made salvation easy for us.
We become children of God simply by trusting in Jesus’s work on our behalf. It is from this point—after we are already his—that God begins the rehabilitation process that transforms us more and more into the likeness of Christ. This is otherwise known as discipleship, and every believer is a disciple (i.e. a follower of Jesus).
As disciples, we partner with God in the redemption, restoration, and renewal of the world. It is through the Holy Spirit that we—as a community—are guided and clothed with the power necessary to accomplish God’s work.
In the end, when Christ returns, those who trust in him will rise to eternal life. The cross proves this promise is based in love; the resurrection proves he has the power to follow through on this promise.
This is the message Christians are to share in word and in deed to the ends of the earth, and it is this message that is found in the Scriptures (i.e., Old and New Testaments) which God himself inspired so that we might come to know him. This is the gospel, and there is no other message like it in the world. Jesus saves us first, then he calls us to become the salt and light.